

Publication List


Q. France, Y. Jeong, A. Kamiyama, T. Mano, K. Sasaki, M. Hotta, and G. Yusa, “Electrically induced bulk and edge excitations in the fractional quantum Hall regime”, arXiv:2502.01052 (2025).

B. W. Grobecker, A. V. Poshakinskiy, S. Anghel, T. Mano, G. Yusa, M. Betz, “Enhancing Spin Diffusion in GaAs Quantum Wells: The Role of Electron Density and Channel Width”, arXiv:2501.08023 (2025).

A. Kamiyama, M. Matsuura, J. N. Moore, T. Mano, N. Shibata, G. Yusa, “Dynamics of the fractional quantum Hall edge probed by stroboscope measurements of trions”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 202103 (2023).

J. N. Moore, A. Kamiyama, T. Mano, G. Yusa, “Thermal Transport Imaging in the Quantum Hall Edge Channel”, Europhysics Lett 142, 16004 (2023).

A. Kamiyama, M. Matsuura, J. N. Moore, T. Mano, N. Shibata, G. Yusa, “Dynamics of the fractional quantum Hall edge probed by stroboscope measurements of trions”, arXiv:2212.05507.

J. N. Moore, A. Kamiyama, T. Mano, G. Yusa, “Thermal Transport Imaging in the Quantum Hall Edge Channel”, arXiv:2212.12628.

S. Anghel, A. V. Poshakinskiy, K. Schiller, G. Yusa, T. Mano, T. Noda, and M. Betz , “Spin helices in GaAs quantum wells: Interplay of electron density, spin diffusion, and spin lifetime”, J. Appl. Phys. 132, 054301 (2022).

M. Hotta, Y. Nambu, Y. Sugiyama, K. Yamamoto, G. Yusa, “Expanding edges of quantum Hall systems in a cosmology language: Hawking radiation from de Sitter horizon in edge modes”,Phys. Rev. D 105, 105009 (2022).

A. Kamiyama, M. Matsuura, J. N. Moore, T. Mano, N. Shibata, G. Yusa, “Real-time and -space visualization of excitations of the ν= 1/3 fractional quantum Hall edge”, Phys. Rev. Research 4, L012040 (2022).

S. Anghel, A. V. Poshakinskiy, K. Schiller, F. Passmann, C. Ruppert, S. A. Tarasenko, G. Yusa, T. Mano, T. Noda, and M. Betz , “Anisotropic expansion of drifting spin helices in GaAs quantum wells”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 035429 (2021).

S. Anghel, F. Passmann, K. J. Schiller, J. N. Moore, G. Yusa, T. Mano, T. Noda, M. Betz, and A. D. Bristow, “Spin-locked transport in a two-dimensional electron gas”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 155414 (2020).

A. Kamiyama, K. Kojima, S. F. Chichibu, and G. Yusa, “Analyzing oxygen incorporation in GaN microstructures composed of c-planes and angled facets by confocal magneto-photoluminescence microscopy”, AIP Advances 10, 035215 (2020).

F. Passmann, A. D. Bristow, J. N. Moore, G. Yusa, T. Mano, T. Noda, M. Betz, and S. Anghel, “Giant diffusion of a persistent spin helix drifting transverse to the spin texture”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 125404 (2019).

M. A. Bhuiyan, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, D. Mazumder, J. D.G. Greener, O. Makarovsky, C. J. Mellor, E. E. Vdovin, B. A. Piot, I. I. Lobanova, Z. D. Kovalyuk, M. Nazarova, A. Mishchenko, K. S. Novoselov, Y. Cao, L. Eaves, G. Yusa, and A. Patanè, “Photo-quantum Hall effect and light-induced charge transfer at the interface of graphene/InSe heterostructures”, Adv. Funct. Mater 1805491 (2018).

J. N. Moore, H. Iwata, J. Hayakawa, T. Mano, T. Noda, N. Shibata, and G. Yusa, “Evidence for a correlated phase of skyrmions observed in real space”, Phys. Rev. B 98, 161402(R) (2018).

S. Anghel, F. Passmann, A. Singh, C. Ruppert, A. V. Poshakinskiy, S. A. Tarasenko, J. N. Moore, G. Yusa, T. Mano, T. Noda, X. Li, A. D. Bristow, and M. Betz, “Field control of anisotropic spin transport and spin helix dynamics in a modulation-doped GaAs quantum well”, Phys. Rev. B 97, 125410 (2018).

M. Matsuura, T. Mano, T. Noda, N. Shibata, M. Hotta, and G. Yusa, “Transmission and reflection of charge density wave packets in a quantum Hall edge controlled by a metal gate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 063104 (2018).Editor’s Pick

J. N. Moore, J. Hayakawa, T. Mano, T. Noda, and G. Yusa, “Optically imaged striped domains of non-equilibrium electronic and nuclear spins in a fractional quantum Hall liquid”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 076802 (2017). Editors’ Suggestion

G. W. Mudd, M. R. Molas, X. Chen, V. Zólyomi, K. Nogajewski, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, Z. D. Kovalyuk, G. Yusa, O. Makarovsky, L. Eaves, M. Potemski, V. I. Fal’ko, and A. Patanè, “The direct-to-indirect band gap crossover in two-dimensional van der Waals Indium Selenide crystals”, Nature Scientific Reports 6:39619 DOI:10.1038 (2016).

J. N. Moore, J. Hayakawa, T. Mano, T. Noda, and G. Yusa, “Hyperfine-controlled domain-wall motion observed in real space and time”, Phys. Rev. B 94, 201408(R) (2016). Editors’ Suggestion

J. N. Moore, J. Hayakawa, T. Mano, T. Noda, and G. Yusa, “Non-equilibrium fractional quantum Hall states visualized by optically detected MRI”, arXiv:1606.06416

S. Anghel, A. Singh, F. Passmann, H. Iwata, J. N. Moore, G. Yusa, X. Li, and M. Betz, “Enhanced spin lifetimes in a two dimensional electron gas in a gate-controlled GaAs quantum well”, Phys. Rev. B 94, 035303 (2016).

A. Miranowicz, S. K. Ozdemir, J. Bajer, G. Yusa, N. Imoto, Y. Hirayama, and F. Nori, “Quantum state tomography of large nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum well: Optimal robustness against errors as quantified by condition numbers”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 075312 (2015).

M. Hotta, J. Matsumoto, and G. Yusa, “Quantum energy teleportation without limit of distance”, Phys. Rev. A 89, 012311 (2014).

J. Hayakawa, K. Muraki, and G. Yusa, “Real-space imaging of fractional quantum Hall liquids”, Nature Nano. 8, 31 (2013).

G. Yusa, W. Izumida, and M. Hotta, “Quantum energy teleportaton in a quantum Hall system”, Phys. Rev. A 84, 032336 (2011).

G. Yusa, W. Izumida, and M. Hotta, “Passivity breaking of a local vacuum state in a quantum Hall system”, arXiv:1101.2766v1 [quant-ph] (2011).

T. Kawamura and G. Yusa, “Imaging of multinuclear spin system „I>1/2… in semiconductor microstructures using longitudinal-magnetization-detection nuclear magnetic resonance”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 112108 (2010).

F. Boxberg, J. Tulkki, G. Yusa, and H. Sakaki, “Cooling of radiative quantum-dot excitons by terahertz radiation: A spin-resolved Monte Carlo carrier dynamics model”, Phys. Rev. B 75 115334 (2007).

T. Ota, G. Yusa, N. Kumada, S. Miyashita, and Y. Hirayama, “Decoherence of nuclear spins due to dipole-dipole interactions probed by resistively detected nuclear magnetic resonance”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 193101 (2007).

T. Ota, G. Yusa, N. Kumada, S. Miyashita, and Y. Hirayama, “Nuclear spin population and its control toward initialization using an all-electrical submicron scale nuclear magnetic resonance device”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 102118 (2007).

G. Yusa, N. Kumada, K. Muraki, and Y. Hirayama, “Individual Mechanisms of Nuclear Spin Decoherence in a Nanoscale GaAs NMR Device”, arXiv:cond-mat/0510310.

G. Yusa, K. Muraki, K. Takashina, K. Hashimoto, and Y. Hirayama, “Controlled multiple quantum coherneces of nuclear spins in a nanometre-scale device”, Nature 434, 1001 (2005).

G. Yusa, K. Hashimoto, K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama, “Resistance Oscillations by Electron-Nuclear Spin Coupling in Microscopic Quantum Hall Devices”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44, 2669 (2005).

G. Yusa, K. Hashimoto, K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama, “Self-sustaining resistance oscillations: Electron-nuclear spin coupling in mesoscopic quantum Hall devices”, Phys. Rev. B. 69, 161302(R) (2004).

G. Yusa, K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama, “Intralayer backscattering in narrow GaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs bilayer channels”, Phys. Rev. B 69, 085323 (2004).

I. Bar-Joseph, G. Yusa, and H. Shtrikman, “Photoluminescence in the fractional quantum Hall regime”, Solid State Commun. 127, 765 (2003).

G. Yusa, H. Shtrikman, and I. Bar-Joseph, “Charged excitons at high magnetic fields: the effect of the surrounding electron gas”, Physica E 12, 49 (2002).

G. Yusa, H. Shtrikman, and I. Bar-Joseph, “Charged excitons in the fractional quantum Hall regime”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 216402 (2001).

G. Yusa, H. Shtrikman, and I. Bar-Joseph, “Onset of exciton absorption in modulation-doped GaAs quantum wells”, Phys. Rev. B 62, 15390 (2000).

C. Metzner, G. Yusa, and H. Sakaki, “Modelling inter-dot Coulomb interaction effects in field effect transistors with an embedded quantum dot layer”, Superlattice Microst. 25, 537 (1999).

G. Yusa and H. Sakaki, “InAs quantum dot field effect transistors”, Superlattice Microst. 25, 247 (1999).

G. Yusa, S. J. Allen, J. Kono, H. Sakaki, J. Ahopelto, H. Lipsanen, M. Sopanen, and J. Tulkki,
“THz-near infrared upconversion in strain-induced quantum dots”, Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond. (1998).

G. Yusa and H. Sakaki, “Trapping of a single photogenerated hole by an InAs quantum dot in GaAs/n-AlGaAs quantum trap FET and its spectral response in the near infrared regime”, Physica E 2, 734 (1998).

G. Yusa and H. Sakaki, “MBE growth of novel GaAs/n-AlGaAs field-effect transistor structures with embedded InAs quantum traps and their transport characteristics”, J. Cryst. Growth 175, 730 (1997).

G. Yusa and H. Sakaki, “Trapping of photogenerated carriers by InAs quantum dots and persistent photoconductivity in novel GaAs/n-AlGaAs field-effect transistor structures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 345 (1997).

M. Narihiro, G. Yusa, Y. Nakamura, T. Noda, and H. Sakaki, “Resonant tunneling of electrons via 20 nm scale InAs quantum dot and magnetotunneling spectroscopy of its electronic states”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 105 (1997).

G. Yusa, H. Noge, Y. Kadoya, T. Someya, T. Suga, P. Petroff, and H. Sakaki, “Nanometer-scale GaAs dot structures fabricated using in-situ gas etching technique with InAs dots as mask”, Inst Phys. Conf. Ser 145, 955 (1996).

G. Yusa and H. Sakaki, “GaAs/n-AlGaAs field-effect transistor with embedded InAs quantum traps and its programmable threshold characteristics”, Electron Lett. 32, 491 (1996).

G. Yusa, H. Noge, Y. Kadoya, T. Someya, T. Suga, P. Petroff, and H. Sakaki, “Fabrication of 10-nanometer-scale GaAs dot structures by in situ selective etching with self-assembled InAs dots as a mask”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 2 34, L1198 (1995).

H. Sakaki, G. Yusa, T. Someya, Y. Ohno, T. Noda, H. Akiyama, Y. Kadoya, and H. Noge, “Transport properties of two-dimensional electron gas in AlGaAs/GaAs selectively doped heterojunctions with embedded InAs quantum dots”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 3444 (1995).

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